Monday, November 9, 2009

New Zealand Book Month - Your Favourite New Zealand Books as voted by you!!

The results are in and your favourite New Zealand Books are...(most votes)

An angel at my table - Janet Frame
A River rules my life - Mona Anderson
A good man - Barry Crump
The Penguin history of New Zealand - Michael King
Mister Pip - Lloyd Jones
My own words - Judy Bailey

Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Zealand Book Month - Book Art Entry Winners

Winner Adult Section
Pam Chancellor

2nd Place Adult Section
Helen Cholmondeley

Winner Children's Section
Kate Merrilees

2nd Place Children's Section
Chelseigh and Brittany (Sacred Heart Primary School)

3rd Children's Section
Jessie Zandbergen (Sacred Heart Primary School)

Highly Commended
(All entries from Sacred Heart Primary School)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

BNZ Katherine Mansfield Awards 2009

BNZ Katherine Mansfield Awards 2009

Monday 5 October saw the annual BNZ Katherine Mansfield Awards commence at our new Harbour Quays building in Wellington. The evening was a great success with the winners of the Premier, Novice and Youth categories announced.
The 2009 winners are...
Youth Winner
Emma Robinson
Skipped the Censor
Novice Winner
Karen Phillips
The Visit
Premier Winner
Alice Miller
The Windmill

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Son of a Good Keen Man" - Martin Crump's Visit

Over 75 people turned up to hear "A Son of a Good Keen Man" Martin Crump speak on Sunday 18th October.
Martin was at the Library to talk about the book "A Good Keen Man" written by his father Barry Crump, which celebrates its 50 year of release next year.
The book which has just been re-published co-incides with a New Zealand wide tour taking place in Library's and Bookshops and turned out to be a very popular event in Timaru.
The crowd was both entertained with stories and humour of Barry's life and his writing as well as intrigued by the "skeleton's in the closet". 

Barry Crump
(Born May 15th 1935 - died July 3rd 1996)

In 1959 he began writing humorous sketches of life as a government deer-culler and pig hunter, publishing these as a Good Keen Man in 1960.By 1992 his New Zealand book sales were estimated at more than a million copies.
As well as a best selling author, Crump has been an actor, TV personality,Poet,radio commentator, man of leisure,traveller,goldminer,photographer and more.A successful 12 year association with Toyota brought a series of award winning advertisements that catapulted Crump into living rooms around country with his laconic blokey style. 
Crump wrote 24 books in his lifetime, was married 5 times and had 6 children, all sons.
In the 1990's Crump was awarded an MBE and OBE for services to literature, something he was quietly proud of and reckoned they'd be hardcase pinned to his swandri.
He was listed in the who's who as having no fixed abode, and regarded himself as a world citizen.
He insisted, that he always will be, a Kiwi bushman.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Zealand Book Month

New Zealand Book Month in October is fast approaching, check out what we have planned for the month...

Celebrations Galore!

From Stewart Island to Kaitaia, Book Activists across the country will be revising battle plans, losing themselves in their lover’s arms and… rhyming with Hairy Maclary. October is New Zealand Book Month and is set to bring communities together to talk, think, laugh, remember, and share great Kiwi stories.

Visiting Author

The Madonna in the Suitcase
Huberta Hellendoorn
Writer Huberta Hellendoorn’s book celebrates the life of her daughter, Miriam, an artist born with Down Syndrome.
The Madonna in the Suitcase, the book traces the story of a young married couple arriving in New Zealand from Holland in 1960 and the birth of their first child, Miriam, in 1962 and tracing the balancing act she has performed as Miriam’s mother, friend and champion.

Join us as Huberta talks about her life and book…

Venue: Timaru District Library
Date: Friday 9th October
Time: 2pm

Visiting Author

Martin Crump

Join us for an hour of fun and nostalgia with Martin Crump, the son of A Good Keen Man…

2009 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of legendary New Zealander Barry Crump's first, and most-loved novel, A Good Keen Man. Born in Auckland in 1935, Crump worked for many years as a government deer-culler in areas of New Zealand native forest and A Good Keen Man was the result of his collected experiences. This novel became one of the most popular in New Zealand history. Crump was awarded an MBE for services to literature in 1994, and died in 1996.

Martin Crump will be entertaining and celebrating Barry Crump’s writing of ‘A Good Keen Man’.

‘A Good Keen Man 50 years on, leave the pig dogs outside.’

Venue: Timaru District Library
Date: Sunday 18th October
Time: 1.30pm

Other Happenings:
Celebrate New Zealand Book Month enter the
“New Zealand Book Art” Competition
Can you turn this…

Into something like this:


Create a work of art…
Enter our “New Zealand Book Design” Competition
See us for more details.

Monday, September 21, 2009

"A Day in the Life of a Librarian"

Recently the below article appeared in our local Newspaper The Timaru Herald and also on the stuff website, it's interesting how much does get done in a day!

Nigel Brown started work as the boy at Timaru's library 25 years ago. He says he's still the boy and practically the only one on staff and he still lives and breathes books. Claire Allison talks with him.
The alarm is set for 6.30am but I finally decide to get out of bed about 6.45am. I usually turn the radio off hoping that I'll go back to sleep, but it never works. If I sleep in, I'll miss my bus at 8am.
I'm usually the first up, then the kids are up, probably about 7.30, so I help with the breakfast and try to razzle them along a little bit, get them ready for school. I've got two daughters; they're nine and six.
My wife drops them off at school, and I'm out the door just before 8am to catch the bus to work. We're a one-car family, and I love it the bus is great. There were about 15 on there this morning, and it's pretty much the same people. There's a guy who lives just around the corner, so we have a bit of a yak on the way down, or sometimes I put the iPod on and chill a little bit.
Sometimes I might get off about three stops back and walk to work. If it's a really great day, I might get off at the bottom of Wai-iti Rd and walk, and I still get to work in plenty of time.
8.30am is my start time, but I'm usually here about 8.15am. I turn my computer on, and one of the first things I do is check my emails there can be anything in there that might need to be dealt with, or has been passed on to be dealt with. At the moment I'm emailing with a person from Hachette publishers, to-ing and fro-ing because we've got Martin Crump coming in October as part of New Zealand Book Month, so we're discussing poster designs and arrangements. Or I'll have emails from Linda [Hughes, district librarian] to do with book recommendations to purchase. And I also subscribe to a number of library-oriented databases.
I usually have a walk around to try to make things nice and tidy so the place is looking good for when we open up. I'm the reader services librarian, so I'm in charge of the day-to-day running of the adult library making sure things are running smoothly, dealing with any problems that might occur.
I might have a staff member in to do some training. At the moment, I'm working through a training package that's been developed for libraries training the trainers.
In this library you're talking about 18 staff, full and part-time. Not everybody is here at the same time.
I do a desk roster weekly and I supervise student shelvers who come in after school.
My job involves promoting the adult library, running programmes. I also run a book club. It's a lot of fun with a bunch of wonderful ladies. We've got 11 members.
 This morning, I went for a walk up Stafford St. We're taking part in a kete which Waimakariri Libraries are doing. They're trying to get all libraries in Canterbury to do an expose on their main street. It's kind of like a blog or archive kind of thing. It says it's a community-built digital library of art, cultural, heritage resources and knowledge.
So I started at the top of Stafford Street and worked my way down. They want old photos and new photos and also the history of the street. So I had quite a bit of fun taking photos. It's not really what you expect libraries to be doing, but the biggest thing is that no two days are the same.
Quite often I'll do desk duties out the front basically, I fill in. That's the really great thing about the job, the people contact.
I've been here for 25 years. I came in as the boy and I'm still the boy sometimes chief light bulb changer, and sometimes chief bouncer. Twenty-five years ago, jobs were fairly easy to come by. I decided when I was at school I didn't want to do university study, so I applied for two jobs one in a bank and one was here. I got offered three jobs two in a bank and one here, and I chose here, and it's been great.
No. I'm not a new-book sniffer ... but there's something about the feel of a brand new book ... I think the 25 years have gone really quickly.
This is a fun place to work. We have a laugh. The crew's great. No two days are the same I think it's that variety. I wouldn't be happy in an office signing papers. People contact is really important.
The borrowers are fantastic library users are great. Some of them aren't just borrowers; some of them have become friends. You see them so often, you know a little bit about them and their family, that sort of thing.
One of the biggest misconceptions is that we read all day. That's huge. We often get comments, "it must be great reading all day". That's far from it. I order books, but there's so much more. A book just doesn't come in, magically get covered, and magically get catalogued, that sort of thing. It goes on the computer so we know we've ordered it, it's checked in so we know it's in the building, it gets covered, catalogued, and from there it's ready to go. But that can take a little bit of time.
About 1200 new books come into the place a month. That's a lot of books, so a lot of work. People don't quite realise how much does go on. Various people do various things. We've got people dealing with other libraries wanting our books, somebody making up housebound bags for those who can't get in to the library. Volunteer drivers from the Red Cross deliver those. And there's somebody who deals with the overdues, and people who catalogue, and desk duties and shelving. There's a lot that goes on that people don't realise. It's like anything, really; until you've done the job, you don't know what's involved.
Sometimes there will be books that come back damaged. The most classic one somebody brought a book back and it had been attacked by the dog. It was called How to Train Your Dog.
It happens. Most people fess up. The odd one gets dropped in the bath. It'll be soaking wet and that's the death knell for them.
It's New Zealand Book Month in October, so today I've been busy trying to get some programmes together for that. We've got a couple of guest speakers, and we'll be running a New Zealand reading challenge.
I buy the fiction, and quite often we'll see two to three book reps a week. We try to offer as broad a selection as possible, everything from literary novels to a Mills and Boon paperback. But we can't buy everything. It's good to know your readers and know your stock, because it helps you determine what to buy.
There's very little science fiction and fantasy books being written at the moment. Chick lit used to be really big, but that's developed into the vampire romance stuff bonk and bite that's the hot thing at the moment. One of the bigger ones is the thrillers. A lot of authors are trying to write like Dan Brown, because in the past, they've been big sellers. It's become a genre.
I go for a walk at lunchtime. Then I usually go to a bookshop. I love books, and like to just keep up with what's out there. If I go to somewhere like Whitcoulls or Paper Plus and think, oh yeah, OK, such and such has just written a book that's OK, I've ordered it. I think it's a matter of keeping up to date.
You're definitely reading things that you wouldn't choose to on a personal level. That comes in with running the book club. The whole thing behind that is to challenge people to read outside their normal scope.
When I do the reading challenges, I might say you have to read a biography or science fiction. It's to get people out of their comfort zone. The main challenge is to pick something up and give it a go. People are often quite surprised.
I've got probably four separate projects on the go at the moment. There's always unexpected interruptions that you get. It might be somebody from a book-covering firm coming in, or a furniture place, in to say hi. That sort of thing.
I do a lot of Web 3.0 in my job, which involves running our library blog, and am also working on updating and creating a new library website. For the future, we're looking at Facebook and Flickr.
We're open late nights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but I tootle out the door at 5pm and catch my big green bus back home. I'm home about 5.30pm, which is a good time. So I unwind a little bit, do the homework with the girls, and shoot some hoops I've got one in particular mad keen sportsperson who played netball and is playing basketball, so we have a father-daughter challenge and I get beaten fairly regularly.
We have tea, then get them off to bed. My wife's a Pippins leader and on the Gleniti School PTA, so quite often is doing those bits and pieces.
I'm a self-confessed Trade Me addict. That's my night-time hobby. Books. I do a bit of trading, and I use Trade Me to to see what books are selling for, for the books we have on our sales tables.
I generally tootle off to bed at about 11pmish, but I like to have a game of patience ... or usually more than one. I try to get three out in a row. And I've found a tenpin bowling game on the web. So sometimes it will be 11.30pm before I get to bed. Or sometimes I'll read.
I don't watch much television. I have some favourite programmes, but not a lot. It's on in the background or we'll have the radio on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Zealand Book Month

Our Voice, Our Choice, is the theme of this year’s campaign and it’s about communities getting involved and showcasing New Zealand literature on their own terms. In its fourth year, NZBM will be involving celebrities, schools, libraries, lovers of books and all things Kiwi to encourage local communities to first select a favourite New Zealand book and then create activities around that one book sometime during the month of October. Pick a Kiwi book, create activity based on it. It’s that simple.
Over 50 communities have already signed up through their designated Book Activist and will be picking their New Zealand book over the coming month. Five celebrities will also add their voices – picking their five favourite New Zealand books in categories from history to DIY.

There are a few big changes to the campaign. The first is that NZBM will be partnering with TVNZ and to do this, it’s had to move from September to October. It means that throughout October, there will be NZ writers and readers from across the country featured on TVNZ 6 and TVNZ online, promoting NZ literature.

The second big change is that there will be no Six Pack in 2009. The competition is on hold pending funding. However, the good news is that there will be a new public choice category in the Sunday Star Times Short Story Competition – where the public picks the winner – and that winner, as well as the open and youth section winners of the Sunday Star Times Short Story Competition will be announced in New Zealand Book Month.
“New Zealand Book Month 2009 is about taking the essence of our purpose home. Book Activists across the country are signed up and ready to bring their favourite Kiwi reads to their communities,” says Michele Powles, NZBM Director. “Already there is talk of art shows, dinner parties, speakers, school plays, author visits and so on – each community will be creating events to showcase their selected Kiwi read. Celebrities will be choosing their favourite reads and all this activity will be featured on Television and in Newspapers.”

Monday, August 24, 2009

Montana New Zealand Book Awards

The winners of the Montana New Zealand Book Awards 2009 were congratulated at a gala function at the Auckland War Memorial Museum on the evening of Monday 27 July 2009.
The winning books are the judges' picks for the very best of all those published in 2008.
And the winners are...
Montana Medal Winners
Montana Medal For Fiction or Poetry
Novel About My Wife - Emily Perkins
Montana Medal for Non-fiction
Rita Angus: An Artist's Life- Jill Trevelyan
Category Winners
Fiction Winner
Novel About My Wife- Emily Perkins
Fiction Runner-Up
The 10 PM Question - Kate De Goldi
Fiction Runner-Up
Acid Song- Bernard Beckett
Poetry Winner
The Rocky Shore- Jenny Bornholdt
History Winner
Buying the Land, Selling the Land- Richard Boast
Biography Winner
Rita Angus: An Artist's Life- Jill Trevelyan
Environment Winner
A Continent on the Move: New Zealand Geoscience into the 21st Century- Ian J Graham (Chief Editor)
Lifestyle & Contemporary Culture Winner
Ladies, A Plate: Traditional Home Baking- Alexa Johnston
Illustrative Winner
Len Castle: Making the Molecules Dance - Len Castle
Reference & Anthology Winner
Collected Poems, 1951-2006- CK Stead
Māori Language Award
He Pātaka Kupu: te kai a te rangatira - Māori Language Commission
Readers' Choice Award
The 10 PM Question- Kate De Goldi
New Zealand Society of Authors
Best First Book Awards
NZSA Hubert Church Best First Book Award for Fiction
The Rehearsal- Eleanor Catton
NZSA Jessie Mackay Best First Book Award for Poetry
Everything Talks- Sam Sampson
NZSA E. H. McCormick Best First Book Award for Non-fiction
Mates & Lovers: A History of Gay New Zealand- Chris Brickell

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Library Birthday Celebrations...

To celebrate our Library Centenary we held several events over the month of June, this included displays, competitions, reading challenges, guest speaker, book design competition and a Library Staff Reunion. Below are just a few photos of what we did...

Chocolate Book Art - looks good enough to eat!!
The New Zealand Cheese Book Book Art - where's the mouse trap!Grand Piano Prize winners in the Young Adult Book Art

Timaru District Libraries Celebrate 100 Years of Public Library Service

On 4th June 2009 the Timaru District Libraries celebrated 100 Years of Public Library Service, while we have been around alot longer than that it wasn't until 1909 that the Library was officially free to all Timaru residents. Below is a brief history of the Timaru Library...

1862 - First Reading Room opened in the School House, Barnard Street. It was open daily from 5.00pm to 10.00pm and on Saturdays daily from 10.00am to 8.00pm. English and Colonial papers were provided, and a select library of books for the use of members.
1870 - 1st July - Opening of the Mechanics Institute which was created by an addition on an existing building, on the south side of North Street, which aimed to provide a Library, Reading Room and News Room.
1880 - 29th October - Total destruction of the Mechanics Institute building when it was burned down during the holding of a Church Bazaar. A new building was erected on the same site at a cost of 1,400 pounds.
1905 - Scheme for a Municipal Library was set afoot by Mayor Jmes Craigie. The subscribers to the Mechanics Institute agreed to present the old building and it's conents to the Council if it established a Municipal Library in a new building.
1906 - Timaru Public Act was passed to enable the Council and the Trustees to use the proceeds from the sale of the buildings and land of the old Institute to be spent on books.
1909 - 4th June - Official opening of the Timaru Public Library on the present Timaru District Council site on George Street, it was built in Oamaru Stone. The Library was built with a 3,000 pound grant from the Carnegie Corporation (Andrew Carnegie) of New York and was designed by Walter Panton. The condition under which the money was given was that the reading rooms should should be open to everyone and that the lending library should be free to ratepayers of the Borough. The Borough Council, however, considered that everyone who paid rent was indirectly a ratepayer, and it was decided the Library should be free to both rentpayers and ratepayers. The Timaru Library is believed to be the first in the Dominion for which this concession was made.

1959 - Timaru celebrated 50 years of Public Library Service - in the first 50 years more than 10,000,000 book issues have been made.

1979 - 7th May - Current Library was opened on Sophia Street. It was designed by Miles, Warren and Mahoney and opened by Sir Keith Holyoake.

1989 - Timaru City, Temuka, Geraldine Boroughs and the Strathallan County amalgamated to form the Timaru District and the Timaru District Libraries was born.

1997 - The new Temuka Library, Service Centre and Information Centre was opened in the revamped old Temuka Supermarket in King Street (the original building was built in 1911).
Old Temuka Library

New Temuka Library, Service Centre and Information Centre

2003 - August - The new Geraldine Library, Service Centre was opened on the old Community Hall / Library on Talbot Street.

Old Geraldine Library

New Geraldine Library, Service Centre